
Every Monday.


11.15am – 12.15pm.


Waterlooville Community Centre, Waterlooville, PO7 7AY.


£8 per week pay as you go. First class is FREE! if booked directly with Get up and Go via the link below:

£7 per week if booked and paid for in 6 week blocks.


A gentle, rejuvenating chair-based yoga session for beginners (or returners) to yoga who are less mobile to work on improving strength, flexibility and mobility. The perfect introduction to yoga or exercise, to take care of the body and mind.

Get Up and Go is a Havant borough project funded by Hampshire County Council. The aim of the project is to help encourage everyone to move more, especially those who are not active due to a health condition or struggling financially. Activities with limited spaces will be prioritised to these residents of the borough.

We know that physical activity can bring a multitude of physical, mental and social benefits to us all.

  • Please fill in the enquiry form by clicking the button below.