A Yoga Mala to Celebrate the Summer Solstice
Saturday 17th June 2023.
Westbrook Hall, Tempest Avenue, Waterlooville PO7 8NU.
£45 whole day (half day options available).
This whole day event offers 5 hours CPD.
Morning only 3 hours.
Afternoon only 2 hours.
This year Cate and Jo are celebrating 30 years teaching between them and have both reached their 60th Year! In Celebration come join us to practice a Yoga Mala of 108 Surya Namaskar.
What to Expect
A Yoga Mala is like a mini yoga marathon that puts to the test your physical and mental endurance. The body is the Mala, the breath is the Mantra and each round serves as a offering.
You have the opportunity to complete 108 rounds or less using modifications and visualising rounds if you become tired. Gentle Jo will introduce you to an easier sun salutation and cruel Cate a more effortful sun salutation. You will come away with a beautiful mala made up of 108 Rudraksha beads.
Please bring a packed lunch.
A gentle restorative afternoon with meditation, chanting and relaxation.
Cost for the whole day £45.
If you are short on time you can come for just the Yoga Mala 9.30-12.30pm £30.
Or just the relaxing afternoon 1.30-3.30pm for £20.
Cate Knott Carpenter E: cateyoga@gmail.com T: 07835 835023.
Jo Standen E: jotheyogateacher@gmail.com T: 07986168072.